Emerald ash borer – Prevention and Treatment


Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive exotic insect that attacks ash trees. Ash trees have no chance of survival if they are infested, unless treated in time. EAB was discovered for the first time in North America in 2002 in the Windsor / Detroit.

Since 2009, the EAB has wreaked havoc in several Canadian cities, including Ottawa and Montreal. It’s also a threat to a number of cities such as Quebec, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières. If you have ash trees in an infested area, you have two choices: cut it down or use a registered insecticide such as TreeAzinTM or FraxiProtectTM.

Here are some signs of infestation of the EAB:

S-shaped galleries under the bark

Galleries EAB - Galleries, emerald ash borer

Galleries EAB – Galleries, emerald ash borer


Sucker growth

Emerald ash borer

Emerald ash borer


Crown thinning

Infected ash, EAB - Infected ash, emerald ash borer

Infected ash, EAB – Infected ash, emerald ash borer

D-shaped exit holes caused by the adult beetles

Emerald exit hole, EAB - Exit, emerald ash borer

Emerald exit hole, EAB – Exit, emerald ash borer

Woodpecker holes

EAB minor woodpecker - Emerald ash borer, woodpecker. Photo: René Hardy.

EAB minor woodpecker – Emerald ash borer, woodpecker. Photo: René Hardy.

Treatment of EAB

It is possible to treat healthy ash trees in an area at risk of infestation or even some trees already infested with the insecticide TreeAzinTM. If you have an infested tree, contact us quickly to determine if it is still possible to treat it. The faster you act, the greater the chances of saving your trees are. TreeAzinTM is a systemic insecticide injected at the base of trees that provides protection for up to 2 years in the treated trees.

The cost of TreeAzinTM treatment depends on the size of the tree, measured at mid-chest height or 1.3m above ground level.

The application of TreeAzinTM is done between June and August 31st.

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Emerald Ash borer treatment – Biocontrôle arboricole

Contact us quickly to get a quote. Just send us a photo of the trees to be treated, the circumference of the tree at 1.3m above the ground level and the civic address of the treatment site.

We offer our services for the treatment for emerald ash borer in most municipalities of Quebec, so do not hesitate to contact us.

For further information on the TreeAzinTM, you can visit the following link : http://www.bioforest.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=content&menuid=12&pageid=1012


EAB – Emerald ash borer

EAB – Emerald ash borer